Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Choose to Energize Your Team With Encouragement

Sports Psychology Tips:
''Just remember - when you think all is lost, the future remains.''

-Henry Herbert Goddard 
(August 14, 1866 – June 18, 1957)

We have a rule with our club, the players are required to give 9 high fives and complements during games and practices. This makes a big difference in our young players energy.  When you raise someone else's energy; your energy also increases.

1. Speak clear, fast and loud.
2. Project a strong physiology.
3. Celebrate good passes and defensive plays.
4. Complement good effort.
5. Encourage someone who is down

''Psychologist Henry H. Goddard conducted a study on energy levels in children using an instrument he called the “ergograph.” His findings are fascinating. He discovered that when tired children were given a word of praise or commendation, the ergograph showed an immediate upward surge of energy in the children. When the children were criticized or discouraged, the ergograph showed that their physical energy took a sudden nosedive. You may have already discovered this intuitively. When someone praises you, doesn’t your energy level go up?''

-John C. Maxwell 

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